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A Scandal In Bohemia
(sir arthur conan doyle)

Sherlock Holmes , world famous detective, is approached by the King of Bohemia to secure a compromising photo from a vindictive former lover ,Irene Adler. Holmes is joined by his trusted friend and adventure-chronicler Watson .Holmes disguises himself as a vagabond to gather information about Adler and consequently witnesses her wedding to a lawyer named Norton. That evening he returns to Briony Lodge, her home, disguised as a clergyman, arranges a fake fist-fight, pretends to get hurt while saving Adler and is consequently carried into her home. Watson meanwhile throws a smoke rocket into the house. Holmes deduces correctly that in the event of a fire a woman will save that which is dearest to her and thus he spies the photo behind a panel in the sitting room. But Adler proves too smart for them .she guesses rightly that her wounded guest is Holmes, and manages to escape with her husband and the photo. She promises not to reveal the photo in exchange for her safety and leaves a photo of herself in its place. Holmes acknowledges her as the woman and treasures the photo.

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