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Adopted Children

Married couples have always been apt to feel a sense of frustration if they do not have a child or two of their own to enrich their lives. In the olden days, such couples sought to fill this void by taking recourse to adoption. Generally, this was done with the formal consent of the biological parents and at a stage when it could be reasonably assumed that the boy or girl concerned was aware what was involved in the process of adoption. I recollect that, when I was about eleven or twelve years of age, a proposal from a relative was before my parents, to part with me to him by adoption. Apart from the circumstance that the proposal had a murky background with not entirely good motives, my parents were not for it. All the same, they left it to me to decide. I had the good sense at that young age to stick to my parents, casting my lot with theirs and refusing to shift my allegiance. Neither my parents nor I have had cause to regret this. Nowadays, it is becoming a very common thing for childless couples to bring sunshine into their lives by adopting an infant from an orphanage. These children, the products of those who have no moral strength to accept the consequences of pleasurable dalliance, bear the stigma of ?illegitimate? children, in society. As the old classical film ?Blossoms in the dust? puts it, there are only illegitimate parents. It is a good thing for these unfortunate children to find foster-parents, before ever coming to know they were jetsam. It is a sacred duty on the part of the foster-parents to guard the secret of adoption from the child and those around.  A reminder, unwittingly from them or deliberately from a loose-tongued person might set in train in the foster-child a needless trauma - torn between a hopeless quest for its biological parents and loyalty to foster-parents. May God grant that these unfortunates do not have to suffer all the time for the fault of somebody else.    

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