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Skipping Christmas
(John Grisham)

Skipping Christmas seemed like a crazy idea for Luther Frank. Being an accountant, he had a look at how much and where all the money went to last Christmas and it amounted to around $6,100. After all he does not really like Christmas cakes and the Christmas rush is always a nightmare. He thought of buying a holiday to the Caribbean and he would spend just half of the Christmas budget. His wife, Nora reluctantly agreed as their daughter Blair is away to Peru working as a Peace Corps volunteer. But he went overboard and refused to buy the Christmas tree that is usually delivered to his home and even the fundraising activities of the police and the fire brigade. His neighbours called him a scrooge and they made it plain to him that they were not pleased when he refused to put up Frosty up on the roof as the whole neighbourhood do and decorate their homes with lights too as they were all entering into the Christmas decoration competition. Even his wife?s Christmas Eve party was cancelled and she is not sending any cards this year either. The couple are determined to boycott all Christmas festivities indeed until Blair called that she is coming home with her fiancee for Christmas. Nora shoved the holiday and ordered him to prepare the Christmas tree and put up the Frosty on the roof for Blair?s fiancee as he has not experienced a White Christmas being a Peruvian. Luther slipped down from the roof and was tangled up unable to free himself for all his neighbours to see. They all helped when they learned of the change of plans and brought their food and presents for the party. Luther gave the holiday to the couple opposite them whose wife is terminally ill.

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