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The Quest For Quinnie
(Laurel A. Smith)

This is a truly delightful tale! This fable tells of nine year old Maddie spending the summer with her grandparents in the Connecticut River Valley. She and her friend Sean befriend a large river creature named Quinnie who was separated from her family long ago. This is a simple tale told by a nine year old girl about struggling with friendships and with family changes. Her parents are splitting up and the only constant in her life is the time she spends each summer with Grammie and Grampa and with her friend Sean. Sean and Maddie have typical summer adventures and they relish their traditions. Quinnie not only helps them in some of their adventures but they also help Quinnie in her search for her family. Author Smith''s writing style is engaging and truly entertaining! There is a passage in the book that positively makes your mouth water. Maddie describes in great detail the steps she, Sean, and Grampa take to make a perfect s''more while on an overnight camping trip. See what you think - they have already prepared the sticks and roasted the marshmallows..."Then we gently slid the sticky melting goo off onto the top of a square of chocolate, which was resting on a graham cracker. Another cracker went on top of the marshmallow. We pressed it down to make a sweet sandwich - easy, not so hard to break it." Does that make your mouth water? This passage is so typical of a nine year old''s way of describing a process!

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