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Where Angels Fear To Tread

Where Angels Fear to Tread by Alex J. Morrey postulates a
revolutionary new understanding of what we perceive as the universe, the world
in which we live. Instead of following the current trend of assuming it to be a
consequence of objective fact independent of humanity, it is shown how it can
be thought of as a consequence of collective belief very much dependent upon
humanity, with reality being established by perceptual consensus. In much the
same way that the paper money we use in the conscious domain has value by
legislative consensus.

There is no noticeable
difference between living in either situation but it requires a quantum leap in
thought to understand the difference, another giant leap for mankind perhaps?

With this new way of
thinking about space, time and what we perceive as real, we take a fresh look
at the nature of matter, light, the gravitational and electrostatic fields etc.
and why we perceive the speed of light to be about 186,282.4 miles per second,
we can even give significance to that so called Dark Energy that fills the
universe. It is shown how humanity itself has a hand in shaping the ultimate
reality, referred to as Reality, beyond space and time. Science is shown to be
studying just one segment (our world) of a very large array of relative

The universe that we
perceive as real is a collective belief referred to as the Universal Belief
which contains not only the universe but also each of our ?physical bodies?
(real selves). Within the universal belief our bodies are ?pushed? onto the
surface of the earth according to the law of gravity. The perception of our
real selves being attracted to the ground by a gravitational field is due to
our inadvertent belief in an object universe outside the real self. It is the
same universal belief from which emanate supernatural events, but in this case
the universal belief is enhanced unbeknownst to bystanders who witness strange
new events thought of as miracles. This new way of thinking brings together
science and religion into one overall understanding. Everything that mankind
has every experienced, both natural and supernatural, can be explained by it.

In this new way of
thinking God is thought of and experienced as the spirit of Reality where
Reality is a non conflicting logical structure beyond the reality of our world
of space and time. It is shown how the spirit of Reality relates to the Gods of
the various religions. We as individuals can get to live in Reality by living
in our Real self as an integral part of Reality in much the same way as did
that controversial historic figure Jesus of Nazareth who demonstrated a direct
interaction with Reality.

Have you ever wondered
if everything you think you know is really true? Is it possible that there
might be a better, more complete understanding of how the world works than what
we unthinkingly assume?

If you are seriously
prepared to have your assumptions challenged, Where Angels Fear to Tread by Alex J. Morrey is
essential reading for you. Learn how to examine the truth of human existence,
the nature of reality, and the meaning of God from the viewpoint of physics and
science. Understand reality/Reality as never before.

Get ready to start
thinking in an entirely new and very exciting way! Discover exciting new
answers to a range of intriguing old questions.

Is faster-than-light travel or time travel possible? Are UFOs mere hallucinations or are they real
objects? Can extra-terrestrial life forms really exist
anywhere? Are crop circles more than just natural phenomena? What is that mysterious ?Dark Energy? that fills the
universe? Why do we perceive objects as solid when in Reality
they are not? Is God real or imaginary? If so, what does God being
real mean? Is this life only a dream-like existence? Are we each influenced by the values and beliefs of
the masses? Can we influence our own life events closer to
Reality, and if so, how?

Morrey?s prose is
clear-eyed, inspirational and so provocatively smart that it?s downright
exhilarating. Read this book and you?ll never look at the world the same way


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