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(Richard Layard)

In the past, economists could not measure factors intrinsic to human nature, so they conveniently left concepts like happiness out of their calculations; thus they compare the wealth of nations using measures such as the gross national product. But what if, following the example of the tiny Asian country of Bhutan, nations began instead to try to increase their "gross national happiness"? How would they do it? Economist Richard Layard attempts to answer these questions by applying lessons from the relatively new field of "positive psychology" to human social systems. Although some readers may dismiss his viewpoint as touchy-feely, it is based on science. He finds, for instance, that if politicians truly wish to create happy societies, they will have to aim at something greater than ever-expanding marketplaces. This readable discussion of the "new science" of happiness draws some provocative conclusions.

Resumos Relacionados

- Nichomachean Ethics Book 1 Chap 1-2

- Truth Of Happiness (preface)

- Beyond The Sky And The Earth - A Journey Into Bhutan

- Health,wealth & Happiness

- The Happiest Man In The World?

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