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Dark Chocolate: Sinfull Way To A Healthy Heart !
(dev sarkar)

Could a luscious dark chocolate truffle be a cure for heart disease and diabetes? Not quite. Research on dark chocolate has shown that it can be good for your health. But, sadly, chocolate remains a high calorie treat and should not be the focus of your wellness plan. So, what does the research say? Unlike white or milk chocolate, dark chocolate has a powerful antioxidant interact with other chemical in the chocolate, which means it would be difficult to capture in a supplement, to prevent the damage of free radicals on our cells. The antioxidant also lower blood pressure by expending blood vessels and help cells use glucose better by improving insulin sensitivity. All of which directly contributed to better heart: however, more research will need to be done to determine whether diabetics and hypertensives would also benefit from brown gold. Again, it`s not make a difference. Dark chocolate is high in antioxidant-rich flavonoids. Whereas, white chocolate doesn`t contain flavonoids at all and milk chocolate is low in them. Milk chocolate has low cocoa content, and it is cocoa that contains the flavonoids. When choosing dark chocolate, opt for the more expensive ones, as they usually have higher levels of flavonoids. Specifically, but bittersweet chocolate with at least 60 percent cocoa content. Some the studies indicated that health benefits are seen with consumption of 3.5 ounces a block of chocolate about the size of a deck of cards. Since this is nearly 500 calories, you need to think about other way to get your antioxidant like by eating veggies and fruits and drinking teas. Or you will need to get a good dose more of exercise to control your weight. Also, keep in mind that chocolate is still at the top of the pyramid because of it high contraction of sugar and fat. So, eat it sparingly. A few squares oer week is plenty.

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