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The One Minute Millionaire
(Marc Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen)

If you liked Chicken Soup for the Soul, you''ll love this book, and some of its tips may even help you make some extra money and maximize the money you have. It is an unusual collaboration between Mark Victor Hansen, Chicken Soup''s co-author, and Robert G. Allen, author of several books on getting rich in real estate. The book is half novel (on the right-hand pages) and half collection of self-help and investing advice (on the left-hand pages). Both the motivational fiction and the guidance are clear, though often familiar and a bit simplistic. The self-help and money-making tips evolve from standard get-rich books, spiritual manuals, real estate investment guides, management literature and pop psychology, but they are well-compiled and linked with supportive commentary. The most compelling tips involve giving, not getting, which is a nice twist. The book has a little of everything, from poetry to great quotations, so it resembles a deluxe pizza with many scattered toppings more than a nourishing bowl of mom''s chicken soup.

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