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Global Development
(Frans Doorman)

This book analyses the economic, environmental and social problems humanity is facing today: from economic insecurity and destitute poverty to crime, environmental degradation and political ineptitude. It explains why, in spite of economic growth and technological development, many people actually face a decline in their living conditions. And it argues that if things continue as today, future generations are likely to live in a society which, due to a growing scarcity of natural resources and concentration of wealth, will be increasingly divided and torn by strife. The author suggests that although the economic, social and environmental problems we face are huge, they can be overcome by investing humanity''s creative energy and skills in a world-wide program for sustainable development. The main components and ways of financing such a program are described. Moreover, a strategy for implementation is proposed, based on the creation of a global movement that should raise support among all beneficiaries of sustainable development: from the destitute poor in the Third world to the middle and most of the upper class of the rich countries.

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- Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Survive

- Environmental Science

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