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(Robert Steiner)

Dreamtime is a term for the magical period of the creation of the worldàit grasps the meaning of mystery and mystical wonder. The title "Dreamtime" captures the essence of Robert Steiner''s short story collection and gives the correct suggestion that this too is a thing of mystery and mystical wonder. This collection offers stories of great variety, from an odd summer job of being a decoy for muggings to the consequences of space travel. All of the stories contain some sort of oddity, lending them all an air of the "Twilight Zone." Each is a short, satisfying episode of fiction that will be sure to please its readers. Robert Steiner is a storyteller with a gift for description. He grabs the reader''s attention from the first word and offers tidbits of uniqueness to carry you through to the end of each tale. "Dreamtime" is an interesting and enjoyable read that touches on the paranormal but also demonstrates the very human qualities of its characters.

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