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The Emperor´s Doctor
(Tessa Kober)

This is the story of Claudius Galenus, who in a night of vigil, waiting to be killed by the pretorian guard, write his memories.
From his sleepless night came the memories of his infancy and adolescence in Pergamo where he was born and is iniciated into the medical profesion, his trip to Alexandria in search for knowledge, his return to Pergamo as a reputated physician and his departure to Rome where he became the personal physician of the emperors Marcus Aurelius (121-180) and Commodus (161-192).
Throughout his memories, we can see Galenus as a profound observer of the human nature very influence by Hypocrates and the mention of many of the medical treatises written during his profesional life.  Physician of gladiators, divers, soldiers, patricians and emperors, a concerned doctor and a frustated lover.
A novel that take us for half of the Roman Empire, from the peaceful greek cities of Minor Asia, the turbulent Alexandria, the dangerous Panonian plains to the great metropoli of the imperial Rome.

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