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A Year Of Jewish Stories
(Grace Ragues Maisel and Samantha Shubert)

This beautifully illustrated collection of stories is a must have for every Jewish home and would be highly recommended for any home with inquisitive children who wish to understand Jewish heritage. The tales included draw from Jewish traditions and folklore while keeping today''s modern child in mind. Stories borrowed from the Bible, Talmud and traditional teachings are freshened up, sprinkled with humor and kept company by a number of original writings. Virtuous tales abound as well as folklore of the holidays, Shabbat and Biblical characters. Children will delight in hearing entertaining stories and parents will be glad to be passing down traditions that might otherwise be forgotten in today''s busy world. Taking time to read even one story a week from this book will be an educating and heritage embracing experience. However, it is doubtful that children will be willing to hear just one story a week. The authors may need to publish a second collection! The rich illustrations compliment the text with honor to the stories. The book will be hard to put down for a combination of its beauty, its messages and its very meaningful value. This well made, sturdy book will become a cherished addition to any library.

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