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Teddy''s Tv Troubles
(Joanne Cantor, Ph.D.)

Teddy''s TV Troubles tells the story of a young child who is frightened by something he sees on television. Instead of brushing it off, like many parents might do, his mother sits down with him and discusses what her mother used to do when she was afraid. This gives Teddy a chance to feel safe and let go of his fears. The book, written by Joanne Cantor, Ph.D., a nationally recognized authority on the media and children, addresses the growing problem of children being frightened by television reports of terrorism, child abductions, natural disasters, war and more. It gives parents the tools they need to comfort their children without ever raising scary issues, showing frightening images or rehashing the situations that caused the fear in the first place. The images in the book are adorable and comforting and the language is accessible for all ages. This book is a must have for any family with children under the age of eight.

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