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When All You''ve Ever Wanted Isn''t Enough
(Harold Kushner)

      The most successful people aren''t the happiest because their hungry souls still feel the hollow inside. The search for meaningfulness and satisfaction is without doubt a religious theme and God controls the Universe. Apart from the restless and the skeptics, only the believers find answers in the Bible.

      One of the Bibles,Ecclesiastes, which is a hard and full of contradictions book written by a bitter man states that there is no meaning in being good or bad.

      But well traveled paths of searching turned out to be dead ends. Living in a selfish way without limits can''t guarantee a satisfying life, nor can the renunciation of bodily pleasures or wisdom. Avoiding all feeling or pain as well as religious surrender and piety can make us understand there is no meaning.

      In spite of all this, human life surely means something.Savoring little things, the joy of working and simple pleasures make life enjoyable.This is the reward. With this satisfaction we are no longer afraid to die. Being human and trying to live with integrity make us valuable. Let''s enjoy good things and share them with good people around us.

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