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No Comebacks
(Frederick Forsyth)

Its his first book of short stories. Forsyth brings the narrative power and the wealth of meticulous detail that have made his novels bestsellers around the world. The book contains ten short stories, all of them equally pulse quickening and skillfully written to provide the reader with delightful twists at the end of each tale.
     Its title story "No Comebacks" is a masterpiece , where a rich philanderer ''Mark Sanderson'' plans to have the husband of the woman he loves, killed. He plans everything to the minutest detail , hires a master killer named Calvi to do the job . He plans everything such that nothing can be traced back to him and once Angela''s husband is murdered he intends to make Angela his own. The story provides a fascinating end where Mark learns that the killer eliminated Angela too when she became a chance witness to her husband''s murder.
              The other nine stories are equally delightful and the reader gets to savour intense and savage twists at the end of each tale. My personal favourite in this book is "There are some days..." . Its a story full of humour and irony , I would best leave it for you to read and enjoy rather than spoil the suspense of the story. I vouch with heart and soul that any fiction buff would find this package absolutely refreshing and entertaining. I recommend that each and everyone should get hold of a copy of this book .

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