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The Devil And Miss Prym
(Paulo Coelho)

Long before, I have already in mind this particular book authored by Paulo Coelho as my sort of next prized possession. Cannot help it really, it is a first for me to display such liberty in expressing my thoughts all at the same time somewhat being critic on such a particular book, just read on as to why. It had taken me awhile all right to find this book but this would not possible if I do not possess as much as virtue of a patience. Why this book? Well for one thing, as always, I have this overly fascination over books with a title that ignites inquisitiveness. The title alone evokes much curiosity and the need to read it right away makes the excitement all the more compelling. And as always books by Coelho never cease to amaze me, it helps quenching my thirst for wisdom and what they say about books being the gates of pleasure might hold true as it may serve this as the answer to certain questions about life. On the other note, it is a book that compels to take a moment of reflection on certain inevitable episode in our lives to which most of us can relate in one way or another. As I was leafing through the pages of the devil and miss prym, I have come across this valuable quotes to ponder upon- ?when we least expect it, life set us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change? and ?good and evil have the same face; it only depends on when how it crosses the path of each individual human being.? The book really tackles on certain issues about struggling within our hearts as to who should come out as a victor- good or evil? Each one of us has own demons to battle with. Not a single soul here has not embarked or goes through such a situation that calls for courage to surface. At some point in our lives, we may experience darkness enveloping around us and the necessity for the light to shine is to some extent out of reach. When one finds himself in this scenario there can be only two paths within his easy reach?either drown himself to misery and let the devil take the lead of his soul or choose the lesser evil and from there pull himself up. It all boils down to a matter of control and of choice. We are all given such alternatives and it is up to us take a stand and be firm with whatever choice or decision we will make. Life can be very short or long indeed, it depends on how you live with it. For this reason, I recommend the book as it serves as an eye opener to understand better the human nature and the conflicts and circumstances that crosses once, twice or many instances in individual?s life.  

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