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The Perfect Married Woman
(Luis de Leon)

The perfect woman marries is a gorgeous workmanship that points the characteristics of the ideal woman according to, incarnate in the papers of mother and wife standard of social judgment of the Medieval Europe and the Europe to the time of the Renaissance. Despite destaobra to seem archaic and surpassed in the present time, this idea of mulhertraz again to tona a period of our européia ancestry and catholic, what it becomes it assaz interesting when comparing the ideal of woman of Lís de León and the profile of the woman contemporary, which if detaches for being emancipated and independent, ready to open many and new spaces in the politics, the culture and the society, beyond having the freedom not to have to give to satisfactions of its acts to the man and nor social environment where if it inserts. Such conquests, inimaginada in the medieval period are the points keys that can to be placed in contrasteao profile of present woman in the workmanship of Luis de León, dated of century 14. To the sagacious and cultured readers, it not only competes verifying the differences between one and another mannering padão of the feminine sort, but also recognizing the vivacity, simplicidadee beauty of this workmanship that in them presents a so different reality in what it says respect to the relation between the sexos. The Perfect Married Woman is a workmanship that serves over all to illustrate the conquests that already had been gotten by the women, as well as stop in showing as we can, from the example insigne to them of the great writers of other times, to see to enrich our mind of good readings and healthful erudição. Highly recommendable book to all the ones that they intend to mount a library I contend great workmanships of the human thought.

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