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Les Fourberies De Scapin

This is an abstract of an eighteenth century French play ?Les Fourberies de Scapin? written by the great French writer and comedian Molière .This comedy is a satire of the bourgeois (rich middle class society). In the play, we come across two rich middle class persons: Géronte and Argante Eachone has two children. Géronte has a son named Léandre and a daughter from his second marriage who lives away from him in Tarente. Léandre and Argante?s son Octave are close friends. Argante had a daughter who was kidnapped at a very young age. Once Géronte and Argante go together on a business trip, and leave their young sons in the care of their valets:  Scapin and Slyvestre. The young men fall in love with two girls who are come from some distant land. Octave marries the girl, Hyacinthe, without informing his father. Octave?s father wanted him to marry Géronte?s daughter. The fathers return, extremely angry and threaten to disinherit their sons. The valets come to their rescue by planning some spoofs. Scapin is a fourbe (a deceitful person) and cooks up a clever plan to convince the fathers. Scapin puts Géronte in a sack and beats him up to avenge himself of a former betrayal. The twist in the story is that Octave has incidentally married the same girl whom his father wanted. The girl is in fact Géronte?s daughter. In addition, Zérbinette, the girl liked by Léandre is none other than the kidnapped daughter of Argante. At the end, everyone is happy.    
                 This play is a critique of the French society and its fixed notions regarding marriage. It also displays the foolishness of the masters who are ready to believe whatever their valets tell them. It reveals the fragile nature of the relationship of a father and son, sons who listen more to the advice of their valets than that of their fathers and who are not hesitant in deceiving their fathers. Molière ?s plays are based on real life and some of his characters were ,in fact, portraits of real persons. Molière was among the very few writers of the eighteenth century who openly criticised the upper class.

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