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Assay On The Approach Knowledge
(Gaston Bachelard)

How much unknown so important workmanship, plus one of the creations of the shining philosopher Gaston Bachelard. One is about a book in which Gaston Bachelard argues the progress of the scientific knowledge, in a ontológica and epsitemológica perspective. The author dedicates this workmanship to demonstrate the provisoriedade of the scientific knowledge, exactly in accurate sciences, which if intend many times the direct contact with the reality. This is a book that brings innumerable contributions for that they desire to study the fenomenologia, the philosophy of science and the scientific knowledge as a whole, however detaches some primordial contributions of this book. The first one of these contributions has to see with the workmanship as a whole and if it relates to the way comoBachelard longs for to become visible how much the matematizações that had little by little been if taking possetion of all the fields of the scientific knowledge if pautam many times in a subjective influence (in the direction of the interference of the values, beliefs and wills of the individual) on the objective values (of the test, the data, of evidence). One of the basic quarrels that Bachelard considers in this book is the quarrel of the measure ideas, scales, number, amount and quality. In this direction, he is correct to admit that the way of investigãção (and argument) of the author, in takes them, for example, to the constatação of that to the end of all quantificadora activity, it has a involved judgment of quality in it, and that the actions that if intend purely quantitative (as, for example, the counting statistics or the mensuração of an angle of deviation in one graphical curve) possess in the truth as end and as beginning a subjective character of appreciation staff. This is a very complex book, but that to the read being and understood well (if possible with time and patience) it brings for the reader a treasure of knowledge found in few workmanships of the present time. The Assay on the Approach Knowledge is one of the books that had more influenced the current positions of names as Boaventura de Souza Santos and Thomas Kuhn, but that it remains as guarded reference to that was without a doubt a philosopher so little explored how much fertile in terms of contributions for the humanity.

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