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(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

One of the philosophers less recognized of the North America is Ralph Waldo Emerson, and one of the workmanships that less took the consideration of illustrious researchers and dedicated students of century XX was its intitled workmanship Assays. One is about a Book of philosophical Assays on subjects of daily and the referring questions to the moral and the ethics, in a transcendentalista perspective (a species of North American version of the idealistic philosophy). In this workmanship, Emerson looks for to indicate the ones that simplicity is the line-master of all those that they desire to possess wisdom, frontalmente opposing to the erudição, according to it. In this direction, he discourses on the effectiveness of great trips of study, the necessity of great wealth to become philosopher and of the necessity of being born in a rich cradle to become scholar. Emerson, in deep and simple language treats, however, of questions of great philosophical reach and that they are gifts in the minds of all. One of the confessos objectives of this author is to propitiate a democratic access to the philosophy and to the wisdom to all those that they look to become instructed scholars and, due to this adopt such language, as well as if it coats with the firm disposal to go until the people with its writings. Amongst the treat subjects they are: the Universal Mind, God, Divine Step, Heroísmo, Honor, Wealth, Glory and Wisdom. Such assays possess as the one of its main virtues property to arrest the attention of the reader while the mind wanders among the deep reflections of this philosopher (almost contemporary) when reading we have the sensation of that the mind of Emerson in the guide Step by step route to the ways of agreement intended by this author. Finishing, it must be said that had to these and other characteristics gifts in such workmanship, they make with that this is plus one of those books that cannot lack in the library of true the scholars of the philosophy.

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