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The Secret
(Rhonda Byrne)

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is about an existing book written about one hundred years ago.   Rhonda''s daughter Hayley gave this old book to Rhonda to read one day.  What is amazing is many popular historians also read and followed "The Secret."  People like Plato, Shakespeare, Beetthoven, Edison, and  Einstein.  Rhonda had this  passion to find people today whom are alive and knew about The Secret.  She then found modern day practitioners of The Secret to put together a video explaining The Secret.  Having personally viewed the video, it explains The Secret in such a way to grab your attetion.  Twenty-four teachers are featured in this book.  Their words were filmed all over the United States, to help you understand and apply The Secret.  This book  will capture your attention and keep your fire alive inside you after reading the book or viewing the video.  You can attract to you whatever you want in your life if you apply The Secret.  It''s been proven by stories from all over the world.  If knowdege is power, you cannot excape this book without truely taking to heart what it has to offter.  Register online at www.simonsays.com for infomation on this book. 

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