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Why I Committed Suicide
(sam paul)

Sam Paul always considered himself predestined to succeed. Growing up white, upper-middle class with enough athletic ability to be good looking and an IQ off the charts practically guaranteed it. The only things missing from his life were distracting challenges and real love. Happiness. His life was wandering through college when he met Jenifer and she turned his world upside down. Jenifer was a girl who was more than his equal, finally a woman who could complete him. What he didn?t know was that their passion would take him down a dark path of discovery, malaise and prison.
This book starts as a casually rambling journey infused with an explosive surge of blossoming love. Written in the mode of On The Road meets Basketball Diaries with a little more fun, pain and real life. People want to know who and what part of love could break down a man so much that he would attempt to remove himself from existence.
You are probably reading about this book because you are smarter than the people around you. Your friends don?t understand how this makes you feel and maybe you secretly understand or worry about your own suicidal thoughts. Maybe you just want to know more without raising red flags; maybe you just don?t give a fuck anymore. Some people want to know how close they are to their own edge. I hope this book can help pull some of them back.  
This novel is intended for young people who have experienced (or want to experience) the nitty-gritty of life and can relate to the chaos and aftermath of extreme experiences.  It''s real.  It''s intense.  It''s the stuff even your best friend won''t tell you from his or her past. You won''t be able to put it down until you''ve taken in the content of each and every page.

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