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Teen Astrology
(M.J Abadie)

If you have bad days and good days and cannot figure out why, then maybe you should take a look at your astrological chart. Teen Astrology helps teens go after what they want, giving them the best and worst times to cease what they want in their lives. This book gives rather excellent descriptions of the planets and how their rule over your life, and tells you how to plot your own chart to best decide what planets have a bigger effect on your life than others.

The book also covers the 12 Zodiac signs and their likes and dislikes which can help you better understand your friends and family. Blank charts are provided within the book to help you plot your own chart. If you make a copy of the charts you can make charts for your families and friends. Several exercises are included in the back of the book to help you create your own inner sanctuary, create love and much more.

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