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The Physiology Of Consciousness
(Dr. Robert Keith Wallace)

If America is to continue as a powerful, positive influence in the world, Americans must be strong and balanced in body and mind. Yet an overwhelming number of Americans suffer from poor health. The health crisis is far more fundamental than delivery of existing health care; it is a problem of the very world view upon which modern medicine is based. To be truly effective, medicine must take advantage of the more comprehensive, up-to-date, and holistic understanding of nature provided by twentieth-century science. It is time for a new medical paradigm based on the unified field.   This new medical paradigm, which is brilliantly described by Keith Wallace in this book, has historical roots in the most ancient tradition of knowledge in the world?the Vedic tradition of India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, has worked with modern scientists and scholars of the Vedic tradition to bring to light a wealth of knowledge and practical based on the most profound and comprehensive understanding of natural law.   The Physiological of Consciousness is about the rediscovery of this knowledge  and Wallace?s contribution to its powerful and timely resurgence. He lucidly presents based on Maharishi?s Vedic Science which integrates the concepts of mind and body, consciousness and matter, and extends out concepts of health beyond the individual to include the collective health of society.   Vedic Science and Technology provides the most practical and realistic solution to the critical problems of individual and collective health. This book is both a fascinating story and a an important source of knowledge for anyone who wants to develop perfect health and enjoy life in the highest state of human development.   Dr. Robert Keith Wallace is Professor of Biology, Chairman of the Department of Physiological and Biological Sciences, and Co-director of the Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience and Physiology at Maharishi University of Management. Dr. Wallace has published many articles in leading scientific journals including Science, The American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American, and continues to conduct research on the physiology of higher states of consciousness and the application of Maharishi Ayur-Ved to health and longevity.

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