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The Maharishi Effect - Creating Coherence In World Consciousness
(Maharishi University Press)

Promoting Positive and Evolutionary Trends Throughout the World ? Results of Scientific Research 1974-1990
The sociological research summarized in this booklet represents 38 of the 430 studies conducted at 160 universities and independent research institutions in 27 countries over the past 20 years, documenting the ability of Maharishi?s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program to enrich all levels of life?body, mind, behaviour, and society.
Taken together, this research demonstrates that any nation can create holistic and measurable influence of progress and harmony within its own borders and throughout the world by establishing a permanent large group of participants in the Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field. Such a group can easily be created in an educational, business, or defence setting. A stable group of over 8000 participants in Maharishi?s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program in any one nation will lay a foundation for the unrestricted progress of every nation in the world, producing a quality of national and international life described by Maharishi as Heaven on Earth. The result will be that every government will grow in ?alliance with the government of nature? itself, which flawlessly organizes all expressions of natural law from the level of the unified field.
The Maharishi effect occurs when a small proportion of the members of society participates in this technology?the Transcendental Meditation (1 %) and TM-Sidhi program (square root of 1 %). It is a phase transition to a more orderly and harmonious state of life, as measured by decreased crime, violence, accidents, and illness, and improvements in economic conditions and other sociological indicators. The scientists who discovered this effect named it in honour of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who predicted 50 years ago that only a small fraction of the population participating would be sufficient to improve the quality of life throughout society.
There does not exist, nor will there ever be, a more powerful or proven technology to transform the trends of life in society. No government worthy of the name could deprive its citizens of the immense practical benefits of this most advanced knowledge of our scientific age. Through Vedic Science?the science and technology of the unified field?any government leader can have easy access to the unified Field and raise the administration of his government to be in perfect alliance with the administration of nature?s government.

Resumos Relacionados

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- University Of Management - Wholeness On The Move (1995)

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