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The Little Prince
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)


You know, I?m quite fed up with kids
wanting to be grown-ups, trying to sound like grown-ups, look like grown-ups,
eat like grown-ups? trying to be everything but what they are supposed to be ?

And yet, are they really guilty for
trying to get over the childhood as soon as possible? Isn?t it true that,
maybe, we, the already grownups, want them act like us? Yeah, that would make
the job easier? kids not playing around, not fighting, not crying for a
goodnight story? Kids being anything, but kids.

Therefore it is not a surprise that
we have so many juveniles, so many destroyed lives before they even started, so
many young mothers and disappointed young people, no, we don?t need Freud to
understand that getting a quick escape from your childhood does not lead to any
optimistic future.

The kid wants its life. Even if you
don?t let yourself being a child during your childhood, your inner child will
continue bothering you in the following years.

Then, you would like to escape to
some other world, explore other unseen stuff, asking questions that you?d never
asked before? and, you initially turn into the Little Prince.

Oh, how I love that character!!! The
untouched, pure and undestroyed child?s soul having a trip around the universe.
Learning so much about the life and the other human beings. But, what?s more
important ? teaching the others about a thing they have lost such a long time
ago ? having fun with others and being honest and not so hard towards

What chills me the most, is the role
of the narrator. The cold, grown-up pilot, who has experienced his childhood
only once and been discouraged, but after the visit by the little prince,
understood what he had lost. That?s why, when the Prince asked him to draw him
a sheep, he accepted. After that, he found the long-lost child deep inside
himself. That?s the way he became a complete person.

Before reading this book, I would
never looked at a child like my savior - today, whenever I see a child, I smile
and hope that it will approach me and ask me to draw him a sheep.

No, this is not a children?s book.
This is a book for grown-ups, their study-book, made to show them the once lost
magic of the childhood. And, whenever you feel like you would very much like
that your kids were smarter or quieter, just read it once again. It?s simply irresistible!

Resumos Relacionados

- El Principito

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Beauty And The Beast

- Almost Lost, Go Ask Alice,jays Jernal

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