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The Religion In The Limits Of The Simple Reason
(Immanuel Kant)

The philosopher Immanuel Kant in this workmanship looks for to carry through an enterprise of enormous difficulty, but also about enormous merit, he is to try to point out the religious thought and the feeling of religiosidade in the scope of the rationality human being. The Religion in the limits of the Simple Razõa is a workmanship that if considers to disclose the rational mechanisms that produce the perception of the deity, discarding, however the direct interventions of God and on hypotheses to the divine illumination for workmanship of the Espirito Santo The holy ghost, Dues or its Anjos and Santos.O author in its inquiries have left of the principle that the dualidade of the existence, represented in the good and in badly, affects basically the individual, and that only through the esclarecimentointerior, the man can understand its paper front the universal fight between well and badly, which he is in the world, but also gift in its interior becomes. Throughout its book, it goes demonstrating that in all the religions monoteístas the dual principle exists, and queao to be comparative, all these religions disclose some characteristics, them common to quaissugerem half decomuns to harmonize the man with the nature and God. What Kant intends, in short, in this workmanship is to demonstrate that the experience of the religiosidade and the contemplativo ecstasy also is possible for the way of the rational clarification and the philosophical speculation, come back to the study of the sacred workmanships, especially as for the religions monoteístas, and, in next way still, Christian dasreligiões. For in such a way, it indicates ways to search the deity and the ?illumination? from the logical reasoning. This is a classic workmanship quenão has received throughout the time the had attention, but that to the being chore it brings for the reader the reply to some relative questionings to the religion that ja had been possibly made at some moment of its life. This reason already would only be the sufficient to recommend its acquisition, but still it must be detached the brilhantismo and the lucidity of this fiósofo that he was one of the great masters of the universal thought.

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