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Pedro Paramo
(Juan Rulfo)

A man has the charge to go and get an inheritance of a certain Pedro Paramo, who is father whom he never knew, and it is his mother who tells him where to look for him, apparently a small town where uncommon things happen. The man goes and gets into contact with strange personages and voices that not always come from their mouths. The atmosphere in this place is somewhat mysterious but it portrays the Mexico of the revolution and in several occasions the present one. The text is loaded with metaphors and images where blood is very common, and the characters, although common, do not lose their mysticism and their roots. In the middle of the story one realizes that that this man spoke with his already deceased mother as well as the characters who inhabit this ghost town. And although the text is a little difficult since the paragraphs jump from one subject to another, without doubt it is already a classic for all ages.

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