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We Parte 3

WE BREAKS 3. ROBERT A. JOHNSON. The romantic love is related with the spiritual aspiration. When we sought something larger than our ego, when we shimmered the perfection, an integrity sense and of unit interiors, when we longed for to rise above the small and relative things of the personal life for us to arrive to something extraordinary and without limits, that is a spiritual aspiration. This religious pulse means a totality search in our life. The passionate man did a symbol of the woman of something universal. The one that he sees in the woman takes him/it to feel that finally is accomplished, that found the meaning of the life. Through her, he sees a special reality and sits down plenificado, ennobled, exalted. He is a new man, happy and more complete. We adopted being loved as an image of God. The man today, looks for more than it is physical and sexual. But our longing for the soul is infiltrated through where fewer waited. The word Greek paradoxon, means nonsense literally, in other words, a paradox is going against the sense common of reality. The symbols don't flow of the unconscious for in the saying that that we know already, but to show us what we still have to learn. To fall in love for somebody is something that simply happens, we didn't control that. It is out something of control because it is exactly that that we want of our unconscious, that us light to the ecstasy. That that we looked for comes of the deepest layers of the psyche, an imago gave, the divine image. Something that impels us to the totality and the unit. In that true armor that we used in our days, the only point where we are vulnerable is the love. Through the love, the fire gets off the skies. We removed the imago I gave of the skies and we placed her among us in the relationship among two human beings. When they fall in love both they project in the other the image of your own soul, because it is through her that we found our life interior .A soul as the unconscious shows through symbols, dreams, are the parts that lack us. Instead of looking inside of himself, the man tries to extract your soul in the eternal atmosphere, or of the woman. It is projecting your interior ideal in her and if that projection abruptly evaporates, he is not more passionate. And he begins to follow your projection and it lands in another woman, as a flower butterfly in flower. Whenever you are called by the destiny, you try the sensation of being upside down, a sensation that your world was turned, and he/she discovers that all the values and loyalty that you knew are in terrible conflict with the new world that calls it. Frequently it seems that the external world seems to answer to the interior trip. The cátaros believed that the man's love for the woman should be a terrestrial allegory of your spiritual love for the Queen of the Sky. The catarismo is the fantasy of finding the lost soul. The truth behind the fantasy can be very deserved, we needed to look through the fantasy, to give up on to live the catarismo, the courteous love and to pass to live the reality of that fantasy.

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