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Mbna Europe Leaflet
(MBNA Europe Publishing)

I long to meet all deadlines including publishers deadlines ..... teaching deadlines ...
and above all credit card deadlines ... I hate it when you know you are
absolutely right in your calculations about your credit card how much you
have spent, how much has been stolen and how you do not wish to become
a victim of the Police Force ... lying down on their every word... saying such
things as ..

I told you so ... You'll never get your money back ...
You are a victim to petty crime ...

I dread going to the Police Station here in the South of England so I tend to
phone up the Station if life is too tough and its definitely a Police matter

Share the Benefits ... the offer for a super mortgage of ¢25,000 repayments
monthly that even I as an author can afford ... of £393.05 ... are coming through
one's letter box at the rate of a letter a day ...

Choose an amount to suit your budget ... well if I did. would you laugh at me ..
making me a fool ... caring about such things at this point in my life..
I will keep you posted on this issue.

Or the other way out is that its really a British Government plot and that they
are out to get us ... so when we say, time and time again, that we cannot
afford it... the Government can then bounce back IT and MBNA Europe Bank,
and say ... well we did make an offer that you cannot refuse .....

Is there a way out... I plan on winning the Poet of the Year Award in America...
it certainly would be a lot easier than borrowing money from
MBNA Europe Bank ... and talented poets like myself could get on with the
job of writing great and wonderful poetry for the prize money ... see you
on television or on the Big Screen all over the world! And of course in my right hand is the Prize Winning cheque or check!!

Happy reading .... keep on keeping on ...

Resumos Relacionados

- How The Credit Card System Works

- How The Credit Card System Works

- Discount Credit Card Machines

- How To Accept Credit Cards

- Ten Steps To Financial Health

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