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Al-anon Works For Families & Friends Of Alcholics
(Al-Anon (A.Patterson))

The book explains to people just how Al-Anon meetings, reading materials, and participants work to help a family member, friend or former alcoholic who grew up with and alcoholic. The critical and most important way is by learning, following, understanding The Twelve Steps and apply them to one's daily life and thought. Al-Anon helps by welcoming and giving comfort to friends and families of alcoholics by giving them an understanding of the DISEASE of alcoholism as well as the disease of co-dependency of those who live their lives centered around the alcoholic in their home and life.

The book opens the door with information to the remarkable fellowship of courageous men, women and any adolescent who does not have an Ala-Teen group meeting in their area. Even people who are in formal counseling to deal with growing up with an alcoholic in their family called: Adult Children of Alcoholics of Alcholics (ACOA).

Living with an alcoholic causes devastating effects on them; effects that they have not attributed to their life being focused on the alcoholic. Al-Anon helps families of alcoholics to overcome even the nost negative aspects of their lives and, in turn, extend hope and help to others.

This is the essential book that answers the question, "How can Al-Anon help me?"

Even the casual reader is captivated by the pages of this book for they are filled with refreshing down-to-earth wisdom drawn from thousands of Al-Anon members sharing their very personal experience, strength and hope. One of the testimonials in the book may fit the reader, any reader.

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