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Cold Sassy Tree
(Olive Ann Burns)

This is a story from the eyes of Will Tweedy ? a 14-year old boy, set in a southern town in Georgia in 1906. In this small town where everybody talks, the real story begin when Will?s grandfather, E. Rucker Blakeslee (Grandpa), who owned a general store, married a woman half his age in less than three weeks after his wife died.Blakeslee?s two grown-up daughters - Will?s mother (Mary Willis) and his aunt (Loma) were embarrassed, but Will wondered why a beautiful woman such as Ms Love Simpson would want to marry his Grandpa. Being a favorite to his Grandpa, Will had the advantage to spend time with Grandpa and Ms. Love. He had a swell time helping Grandpa and driving Grandpa?s Pierce. As time went by, Will?s family grew to accept Ms. Love. The family supported each other during their difficult times. Will also talked about the time spent with his friends and his crush on a girl, Lightfoot. There are many interesting trespasses in this story ? who is Ms. Love, what happen to Lightfoot, did Grandpa really love Miss Mattie Lou (Will?s grandmother).The language used was interesting since most conversations were written in the Southern twang. The author managed to bring life in the story - in the era when some families still had slaves working for them, when farmers did not have enough to pay for the provisions, sourcing for wholesale items to sell, the travel and having to crank the cars first even before you can drive them. There is humor and sadness ? pranks, love, death. The feelings were real and accurately described. The ending was a little sad but that?s what life is all about. I like Grandpa?s view on God and prayers. The two characters ? Will and his grandpa reminds me so much of my daughter and my father?how would she take it when her grandpa will no longer be around. An excellent reading and I could not put it down. I still did not get enough of Will Tweedy and have to find its sequel ? Leaving Cold Sassy.

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