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Trust Me
(Lesley Pearse)

Dulcie Taylor and her sister May were sent to an orphanage when tragedy struck the family. Life in the orphanage under the strict rules of the nuns was terrible. When the offer of starting a new life in a new country, Australia was opened, Dulcie hoped to be selected. Both sisters were selected and the long voyage to Australia begun. The voyage was quite OK and they thought their sufferings was coming to an end ?but the REAL Australia was not as wonderful as they thought it would be. The Australian orphanage is another life saga that the Taylors have to face. Dulcie left the Australian orphanage at 16 and start a new life at a farm. Struggling in her job in the cruel hands of her employers, besides the harsh and hard enviroment, life was a great misery. She ran away and managed to be saved by another farmer.She almost got herself a family at the second farm. She met Ross (also an orphanage survivor), went through life, got married, met May, making crucial decisions and proceeded with life.As for May, she has a life of her own which was not any easier. Her survival is another story since with her better looks and pleasant personality, her life challenges were in a different form. This is a story worth reading. I love the description of England in the 1940-50?s .Pearse is an outstanding story teller! Having the experience of living in an orphanage herself as a child, no one can describe the physical and emotional pain that these orphans had to go through.?.this was in the ?.40?s when most orphanages were managed by the Catholic church. This story is set during the time of 'Child Migration Scheme', which was introduced to relieve the pressure of housing post war British orphans and to populate the colonies with good "white stock?. Over 2,000 British orphans were sent to Australia, where they found the promises of love and happiness were empty and their lives became no better than those of slaves, under the rule of the Sisters of Mercy and the Christian Brothers. The Afterword in this book is an eye-opener to me, which provokes me to make further search on the history of this Migration Scheme. I love the happy ending which left me satisfied.

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