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How To Make A Thesis
(Umberto Eco)

Umberto Eco, an italian writer and an expert in language and semiothic, is famous in the narrative world and fiction novel for his work "In the name of the rose". However a great amount of his texts are dedicated to education and the popularization of science. One of these works dedicated to teaching, is named "How to make a thesis", and it is without doubt an invaluable text for students and reserchers by supplying many techniques and procedures for research, study and writing of works and reports of profesional level. All students of academic formation, have to face the complicated moment prior to graduating, in which they have to write a thesis with scientific validity, and it has to be say, sometimes the academic consultancies are not always enough to achieve a work with the demanded quality."How to make a thesis", helps the student, and the reader, to understand the importance and need to carry though the thesis in accordance to the guidelines that turn this text not only in a piece of lagage that fill a space in an university library, but a text of cientific importance. The reader will find in this text, incountables advices and rules: from the selection of the matter, though the organization of the work times, till the propper way of structuring and writing the thesis, the correct form of doing bibliografic quotations, the information sources, the importance of formuling a working hypothesis, how to make diagrams and statistics graphics, research techniques... this book is a valuable guide that all student, close to obtein a university degree or doctorate must have

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