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Time Lottery
(Nancy Moser)

Alexander ?Mac? MacMillan discovers his wife murdered and his son, Andrew, severely injured when he arrives home from a business trip as a marketing expert. So begins the futuristic Nancy Moser novel ?Time Lottery?. Mac receives an offer from the Time Travel Corporation (TTL) to be the company?s promoter for it?s newest venture; a lottery drawing to pick three people to be the first to time travel back in their own lives and change something they have done in their past. Money, and a lot of it, is not the only reason Mac accepts the job, but most importantly for the option to be transported back in time to save his wife?s life.Mac oversees the first televised drawing from hundreds of thousands of entrants who purchased a lottery ticket. Phoebe Thurgood, Cheryl Nickolby and Roosevelt Hazen are the names drawn; they will be the first people to travel backward in time.Phoebe?s overbearing husband Colin lodges a protest to allow him to time travel in place of his wife. He berates Phoebe into agreeing to the switch, but Mac can see Phoebe really wants the prize for herself and tells Colin the rules don?t allow for any change. Phoebe cannot wait to get away from Colin and her miserable marriage. Cheryl is going back to 1973 and her high school days with the intention of reconnecting with gorgeous Jake Carlisle, the boy who found her invisible back in the day. Will Cheryl stay in 1973 with Jake and give up her present day career as a popular singer?Leon Burke is living on the streets of Memphis, and believes he is the only person living on those streets who knows that the man everyone call Preach is really Roosevelt Hazen. Leon met Hazen years ago, but he doesn?t think Hazen even remembers those days. Why should Hazen have all the luck with the lottery, when Hazen doesn?t even seem to know his name was chosen? Leon will not allow this unfairness to happen.Each prize winner is allowed to stay in their past, their Alternity as TTC calls it, if they wish. Who will come back to the future and who will stay in their past?

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