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Nuclear Power And Terrorism
(Daljit Khankhana)

North Korea has submitted their non-progressive nuclear weapons plea after an objection of democratic countries such as mainly neighours Japan and China etc that mankind is facing a massive destruction in human developing values. Iran still is seeking their progress in Nuclear weapons and main opposer USA is seeking reward to attack on Iranians due to their non-cooperation. The democratic forces mainly Israel also has blamed that Hamas and Hezbollah is getting support by Iran that has challenging behaviour to the citizens of Israel.CIA Team is also ready to investigate terrorist activities those are damaging US and Allies forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.Britain is ready to send extra forces to Afghanistan. Pakistan is progressing their short range and long-range missiles those are not safe due to a non-democratic Governmental form in Pakistan. Nobody is denial that fundamentals are not based in Pakistan as a huge number of terrorists were captured from the territories of Pakistan. Iraq is facing a democratic threat by the fanatics or the democratic forces are devaluing their targets on eachother to defame someone?s victory. Are Terrorists challenging the democratic values? That is a main object killing only innocent. Who is getting a benefit?Israel was facing a threat from Saddam Hussein?s power. Is he used Mr. Bush?s administration to attack on Iraq. Is Israel being safe after Iran?s attack? Is this attack being sufficient to damage the support of Hamas and Hezbollah? Is Israel seeking further support from state to demoralise also Syrian regime? Is Iranian Nuclear developing values are dangerous for the world democratic values?There is no doubt Israel is facing a danger from Iranian development of nuclear but a massive danger is still progressing as Pakistan where a non-democratic system is in progress. Nobody can assure that these developing nuclear weapons are far away from the terrorists as British Muslim was involved into London Bombings. If only Iranian deployment was dangerous for the World peace I never blamed to Bush administration to act behalf of Israeli recommendations but future is becoming a dangerous place for natural living. Palestine issue is a key issue to resolve the matter of terrorism. Terrorists are blamed as Muslim; mostly they are against Israel and their supporters. Somebody is supporting them to keep continuation of their terrorism with finance and weapons before to attack on any nation, UN and the world needs to identify the powers those are enemy of the world peace and should be penalised as the world traitor. Until the enemies of democratic values should not be identified, a danger of attacks will not be paralysed. Attack on Iran will not be sufficient opportunities to devalued terrorists until Nuclear weapon of Pakistan are in dangerous place. If the world didn?t open their eyes, these weapons should be a danger for democratic countries not only Iranian developing hands. An attack on Iran isn?t sufficient to support US and allies to recover the growth of terrorism until the long range and short-range missiles of Pakistan are securing fundamentals. Extra forces in Iraq or Afghanistan are not supportive scheme to stop terrorism or their attacks. Encountering is not only a solution of direct counting until the roots are deepening because enemy is still unknown. Al Qaeda is not a danger itself, a support is much dangerous that is supporting to networking Al Qaeda activities. An intelligent person isn?t carrying petrol when fire is breaking mess. Bush administration failed to recover the enemies of 9/11 attacks although thousand innocents have been lost their lives and the roots of terrorism are still planting. The Bush administration policies are anti Israel; those cannot save Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Israel itself. The fire cannot control a disaster.

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