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A Vision Of A Global Village : Guru Ravidass Ji,
(Daljit Khankhana)

A saint known as untouchable (cobbler).Begumpora sehar ko nao. Guru Ravidass ji says that this world is like a village there is no worry, Nature has developing a system that provides free air for breath, Sun donates free sunshine that warms and support seeds to grow, Moon balances the temperature, Clouds are for rain, Earth is for storing the natural resources. Human has no worry for living. Trees, animals, birds are prospering for peaceful and wealthy environment those are capable to eat poisonous dirt that is challenging a human living. All natural resources are free for human for his living standard.Dookh andoh nahi the thao. A person has no worry for his food. Seeds are growing automatically. na taswees khiraj na mal. Nobody pays any tax for this natural development or nature never introduce conditions the utilization of natural resources. A person can use them to develop peace or a person can use them to ruin his living standard. There are no limitations to use natural resources by nature or God.Khauf na khata na taras jawal. Nature never prohibited to a human that they can?t utilize natural resources, God never introduce any fear or mercy that when a person will store his restore his resources he will punish them, or if a person will pray for him, he can get extra breath. There is no discrimination in using the natural resources.Ab mohe khoob watan geh pai. At present, I am able to understand the concept of a nation or a community.Oohan khar sada mere bhai. People enjoy their progress and prosperity where they live as brothers.Rahao ? A vision about a democratic system-Kaim daim sda patsahi- The people who live as brothers, they enjoy peace and their system develops as they deliver services and their rule exists as long as they live as brothers,Dom na sem ek so aahi. The system develops until there is no discrimination. When discrimination is existing, peace, progress and prosperity suffers and a pollution takes place in natural development,Oohan gani baseh mamoor. Only dishonest and corrupt people lives there that are responsible to create problems. They spent their lives only to find a solution for their problems those are sophisticated not natural; Nature provides everything free for human living.Tio tio sal harah jio bhawa: The people can enjoy their freedom as the corrupt and dishonest people likes. A person lives with their order that ruled over the natural resources. A concept of natural development loses its heart and progress follows the system of dishonesty where fear and mercy exists and people pays for their living.Mehram mahal na ko atkawa. Nobody prefers to ask their friends to live together. Everyone believes in individualism but natural progress is unity where peace exists.Kah Ravidass khalas chamara: A true untouchable (cobbler) says that problems are the creation of a man, those are not natural. If living is expensive to enjoy its because of dishonesty who develops fear and mercy and creates discrimination as poor and rich.Jo ham sahri so meet hamara. A person who likes to live naturally as brothers, he is our mate. It means that a person who is not the follower of brotherhood, he is not out mate.Note: Guru Ravidass ji is known untouchable who were born in Banaras (varanasi) in Utter Pradesh (UP) in India. Shri Guru Arjan Dev ji complied their Bani, writings in Shri Guru Garanth Saheb ji, that is known holy book of Shikhism. Although the date of birth, mother and father's origional name is missing from their wriitngs but only a caste that establishes the discrimination of that time is known in their teachings.

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