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Ultimate Marvel Team ? Up Vol 1
(Rucka, Larroca)

In the first episode we meet a young college student Peter Parker. He has survived a bizarre accident ? a bite from a radioactive spider has given him an extraordinary, spider like powers: a superhuman strength and agility, ability of climbing the walls and a sixth sense, which warns him of any danger. When the need arises, Peter puts on his blue and red Spiderman costume, and using his own spider web traverses the town with the mission to help those in danger. He has been in trouble lately due to people?s accrued hostility towards the mutants. Spiderman is being called names, thrown the stones at and harassed. His doubts about his own person are however diminished once he meets the real mutant ? Logan ? the Wolverine. He is a man possessing the ability of self healing from the wounds and the diseases. His skeleton and claws are made from indestructible metal ? adamantium. Spiderman helps Wolverine in his battle against Sabretooth ? his former accomplice in a top secret government project, which used mutants as killing machines. Wolverine ironically assures the boy the he cannot be a mutant as hasn?t been harassed nor the government isn?t interested in him. He cannot explain the source of boy?s powers and they part. The personality of Logan greatly influences Peter ? with rather poor result of his college reputation as a muff.

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