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(Avi Goldberg)

the book Halleluja is a photobook that been taken by Avi Goldberg in 49 states. in the preview Goldberg defines his book as a book of love towerd places, peoplethe photographic expirience and the Tehilim whichpsalm 104 of it appears in the page ater the prologe. each picture or sequnce of pictures in the book, Goldberg fitsa part or a passage frm this psalm. the photos, as the the passages in the psalm goldber diveds to 7 gates: world, earth, life, light, sea, gft and halleluja. the photos illustarates the passages that are dived to these gates: the greatness of the creator and the vast world it has created, the division of the earth to water and land, the creation of life in the world- the plants, animals and man, the son the moon the sea- which the ships live there, the livehood of man. and to summery last passages which the authore of the psalm blesses his god are accompanied by proper pictures.like this the book author brings amazing photographs which discribes all of the holy one blessed deeds' and this is his way to thank and bless him. the prologe of the author and the psalm you can also find in english on the last pages of the book, and also each text that accompanies the photographs in both languages.

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