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Streaming Create Your Own Web Radio And Digital Tv
(Renato Nogueira Perez Avila)

The technology streaming is a system that allows an audio certain content and/or video can be made available in real time through a computers chain. Using this technology, anybody that has a computer and a connection via Internet can produce and to transmit her programmings for the worldwide. Streaming process brought something new for the society, because it enabled that a very larger number of people implanted her TV's Own Radio stations doing use simply of a computer and of the Internet. The main goal of this book is to teach the implantation processes of a radio and a TV of transmission via web in your houses, besides treating a series of other aplicabilidades for this technology. Moreover, all the theory is boarded, since the basic principles until the most complex applications in the streaming live and on demand and your transmission main files, data and standards systems compression for the audio and video signals transmission by the Internet. It's introduced several examples and ideas for the utilization of streaming, as well as your future in the telecommunications without thread.

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