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The Disappearing Teacher

The Munich Olympics OmerI decide to choose the book, because I think the book is much better than the movie. The movie only shows that the Israelis killing the Palestinians, and also I think the book is better because in the book it give you much better ideas about the fighting between the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus in the book the Palestinians terrorist started the violence by captured the Israelis athletes because they want the Israelis government to free their people from the Israeli prisoners. Sympathy: I felt Sympathy for the Israelis Athletes because they had nothing to do with freeing the Palestinians from the prisoners and also I felt sympathy for the Palestinians who made the plant to attack the Israelis athletes because they thought that is the only way they could free their people from prisoners I know that is wrong idea but I think they should jail them not killing them because killing is really wrong no one wants to be killed, but anyway that is what they deserve. Israelis Government: I think that the government is wrong, because killing people is wrong it makes things worse because if the germane let the Israelis commandos come in to Germany and killed the Palestinians terrors I don?t think the Palestinians will stop they will do it more and more until they make it really worse to the germane and the Israelis and I always think that if they jail them instead than killing them, maybe if they jail them they will realize that they were wrong and they might try to stop their people from attacking Israelis.Germans I think the Germans were right because they tried to help the both sides Israelis and the Palestinians and I think the Germans they did not let the Israelis commandos to come in to germane because they want to protect their own country by their own men not by the Israelis commandos and also the things that makes me to say that the Germans their right because they even tried to change the 11 Israelis athlete with people from German and the Palestinian terrors said no they don?t want to lose the 11 Israelis athlete because they knew that is their only possibility to do this and at the end they did what they did and they ended with killing the 11 Israelis athlete and 5 Palestinian terror. And if there is a negative feelings about the way the germane handled the situation is that they should bring enough Police man so the can control or solve the problem. Anyway I?m hoping for all of them to have a peaceful life

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