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Alexander I
(Siergiej Cwietkow)

Alexander I was the Russian tsar, who conquered Napoleon. Of course he didn't do it by himself and one may even say that Alexander's army has never beaten French Emperor in the field. Alexander lived in the years 1777-1825. He was Catherine's II grandson and Paul's I son, whose views on almost everything were different. Being between them Alexander tried to please his grandmother and at the same time his father - this has influenced his character and his life. He was saying one thing and doing another. He was taught by a Swiss liberal who wasbrought up on French encyclopedists'ideals . Among Alexander's childhood friends we find Adam Czartorysky, who told him a lot about passed greatness of Poland. Alexander seized the throne by allowing the murder of his father - Paul I. Shortly after he changed the politics which has brought out enthusiasm among the nation. Alxander promised to conduct the reforms, introduce the constitution and abolish thecorvee. He even started special comission which was lead by Speranky but Alexander after some time became discouraged and he gave up the ideas of reforms. After the first lost battles with Napoleon he signed the peace in Tylza, swearing eternalfriendship to Napoleon's France, by this peace Alexander incorporated Finland and Bessarabia into Russia. Despite that Alexander forced by internal and external situation has stepped against Napoleon who set off on conquest of Russia in 1812. The campaign, despite conquering Moscow ended terribly not only for the Napoleon's army but the the emperor himself. Not only his alliances and liegemen turned against him but also his marshals and ministers turned against him. Alexander was thought to be the saviour even in France. He was warmly welcomed there. He wasn't very bloodthirsty about France and he didn't have great demands towards defeated. Alexander consireded himself as guardian of a new order set by Holy Alliance concluded on the congress in Vienna. What gave Alexander the victory over Napoleon? Except the love of people freed from Napoleon's 'evil hands'. Great national debt, part of Poland and spreading rebellious ideas of French revolution by Napoleon - russian officersafter coming homedidn't forget what they saw in France, what resulted in problems for tsar's power. Alexander outside his country has spread an image of liberal, approachable and kind-hearted monarch. It happened that going on the streets of Paris without any protection he would give out the money to the needy. From the other hand in Russia he would punish with rod andprison. From unknown reason he put interest into Poles promising them not only the rebuild the geratness of Polish country under the Romanov'sscepter. He even nominated himself for a Polish king and gave a constitution to the Polish Kingdom. From the other side he didn't put much attention to his own country practically giving the power into his favourite's hands - Arakczejew. Nobody had the right to stand in front of bright eyes of monarch without favourite's permission. Alexander pushed by internal anxiety Alexander started to travel around Europe putting interest only into military parades and divine services. In the end of his life he dismissed his mistress (by the way - a Polish woman) and put back in favour his wife. Worried about her health he went South to Taganor to make feel better. There, after a few days of sudden illness he died leaving the country in chaos of revolt of Dakaberists. He didn't have children from his marriage. As his successor he assigned his younger brother - Nicolas keeping it a secret and leaving out the older - Consatntine, who was the governor of the Polish Kingdom. WhenAlexanderwas 47 when he died

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