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Lunch With God

A little boy wanted to meet God, he knew he would face a long journey to get to where He lives, so he put in his suitcase chocolate cakes and fruit juices... and started walking. When he had walked a few hours, he met an elderly woman. She was sitting on a park bench, alone, observing in silence the pigeons that picked up the breadcrumbs she had scattered for them. The kid sat beside her, opened her suitcase and started drinking one of his juices, whenhe noticed that the elderly woman was watching him, so he offered him one of his drinks; she accepted it gratefully and smiled to him, her smile so beautiful that the kid wanted to see it again, so he offered her one of the cakes; again she smiled, the kid was delighted and he stayed all afternoon next to her, eating and smiling, although without speaking a word. When it started getting dark, the kid got up to leave, and took some steps, but he stopped, turned back, running towards the elderly woman, and gave her a hug. She, after hugging him, granted him the biggest smile in her life. When the boy arrived home, his mother was surprised at the face of happiness he was showing, and she asked: 'Son, what did you do today that made you so happy?', the kid replied: 'TODAY I HAD LUNCH WITH GOD!' and before his mother had time to react, he added: 'and, you know? God has the most beautiful smile I ever saw!'Meanwhile, the elderly woman, also radiant with happiness, went back to her house. Her Son was surprised at the peaceful expression reflected in her face, and asked her: ' Mum, what did you do today that made you so happy?'; the elderly woman answered: 'I ATE CHOCOLATE CAKES WITH GOD IN THE PARK!', and before his son could reply, she added: ' and, you know? God is younger than I thought...!'MORALFrequently, we take for granted the power of a hug, a pat on the back, a true smile, an encouraging word, an ear that listens, an honest compliment...But all those details have the magical power of changing your life or someone else's, of giving it a spin and create happiness. Each person arrives to our lives for a reason, if for a little while or forever. GREET THEM ALL THE SAME WAY! AH, AND DON'T FORGET TO ALWAYS HAVE LUNCH WITH GOD...!!!

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