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The Art Of Raising A Puppy
(The Monks of New Skete)

The Art of Raising A Puppy is the second book released by the Monks of New Skete. It is a comprehensive look at puppyhood through each stage of life and development. The perspective the monks offer allows the potential adoptee to see their puppy from nature''s standpoint. They show us in this book how important it is to first understand dogs (Canis familiaris) for what they are; cousins of the wolf (Canis Lupus) before we begin trying to fit them into the mold of human society. It has been my own experience as a companion dog trainer that such insight is invaluable. The monastery, New Skete is located in upstate New York (USA).The monks there have been successfully breeding German Shepherds for companion animals, for therapy placement and for Schutzhund program placement.Their animals are given the highest level of training and respect as well as a different perspective than most breeders that is due to the peaceful and organized way of life within the monastery. All puppies go through a series of stages as they develop and grow into adult dogs. The monks have offered a narrative window into the development of each pup. They have involved us in the lives and development of a pregnant mother and her litter of 5 healthy young shepherds.We get to be there as the pups are whelped; along with the careful narration of the attentive brothers we are taken on an accurate journey of each pups'' infancy. They provide us with insight on the behavior of each pup as it grows. This allows us to dismiss many of the common stereotypes that abound with people who have made only assumptions about puppies. We are able to learn why the puppy everyone thinks is the best may not be the best one for every individual situation. The monks rely heavily on interviewing potential adoptees and also assessing each puppy individually. These efforts allow them to make a good match for owner and dog with a high rate of success. They have laid all of the "secrets" of selecting the right dog and training that dog, to be a welcome and useful member of your family, out on the table. This is one of the few books on dog training that offers help with different characters of dog. The monks lay emphasison the fact that no singular method of training will work every time with every dog. Each animal is different. Dogs with a stronger personality and Dominant traits for example can prove to be too difficult to handle for a family with children. She may have been the most outgoing pup in the litter but as she grows that Dominant personality calls for very different training methods than the shy puppy that sat against the wall while the others vied for attention. The methods are not ever cruel; they are simply geared toward the personality of the dog in question. The monks did not shy away from teaching us the importance of recognizing these personalities so that we can evaluate our family situations ourselves to see what personalities are likely to blend well with us. The monks of New Skete further their help for us with chapters on preparing for the new arrival what to do before, and after you adopt. They discuss what materials are appropriate for training, everyday use and the pros, cons and why''s of each article. Training and proper discipline is discussed in some length as they give us the building blocks of a good well rounded relationship with our puppy. The monks also took the time to provide us with detailed,hand drawn schematics of dog behaviors. They stress the importance of watching your dog and learning what his various poses and vocalizations are trying to communicate. The drawings are clear and accurate, vividly portraying what the words on the page sometimes can not. Facial expressions are commonly misunderstood and many dog bites can be avoided if we learn to read the dog. Through training, diligence and hard work these monks have become experts in the breeding and care of German Shepherd dogs. This book is a valuable resource for anyone involved wis of any kind.The monks have transcended the oundaries of breed.

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