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Revision Questions And Answers On Ordinary Level Biology
(Akindele, M.Ige)

Revision questions and answers on ordinary level biology is a book, which is meant to alleviate the suffering of students while preparing for Biology examination in their respective institutions and also in the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE), particularly those who might find it difficult to cover the syllabus of the subject before the examinations. The book contains five chapters. The first chapter contains one hundred multiple-choice objective questions, the purpose of which is to test the students? level of understanding of the various topics in the syllabus and the ability to answer objective questions correctly. Each question here is followed by five options (i.e. A to E) where a student is expected to select the most appropriate in response to the question. Chapter two contains forty essay questions that also touch the salient topics in the syllabus, the purpose of which is to test the students? mastery of the contents of the syllabus and the ability to think independently. The third chapter contains five years past Senior School Certificate Examinations (i.e. 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998 and 2000), the purpose of which is to expose the students to the kind of questions being set by the examining body. Chapter four contains the answers to the various revision objective questions and the past Senior School Certificate objective questions, the purpose of which is to guide the students particularly those studying independently. The last chapter however encompasses the revision essay and past Senior School Certificate essay questions. Diagrams were used as illustration for better understanding of the answers given to these questions.

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