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All About Death

Are u dead?
If anybody asks u like this how will be your answer ?
A slap, a harsh statement or a deadly look So much u hate death or are u afraid of ?
If death is theend of all your pleasures, joys, sorrows, family, and relations YOUR LIFE u should explore it, you should feel it and then all your hatred, anger and fear towards it will be gone.
This bookby PETER POTTERprovides you a brief introduction about the most frightened thing you think about death and your heart starts beating faster your pulse rate increases so the fact is you are among those cowards who if countered by a reality shows their back to it . In this situation you are never going o overcome your fear. Its thought and talklands you near a doctor.
If you want to be treated this book is the best medicine in which great doctors in fact physocologists have prescribed effective pills like Plato Wordsworth Alexander Pope Sir William ShakespeareLeonardo-da-Vinci, George Bernard Shaw. Martin LutherIn this book quotations of these great philosophers have been collected, all about death that is to in alphabetical order. These are pills to eradicate your disease and think like great people after living successful life.
Martin Luther states: ?If you are not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don?t want to go there?
The great lord Apathies states:? Why fear Death, The mother of rest, death that pull to sickness and the pains of poverty?? ?It happens once to mortals, and no man was sure it will come twice.
It is a German Proverb that:? Death is the poor man?s death and every man is poor in one way or another.?Shakespeare States:? the stroke of death is as a lover?s pinch, which hurts and is desired ? When I read this all, I became very strong to face my most suspicious enemy, because their thoughts made me seem like my greatest friend, desperate to meet one as soon as possible. In this century when money has began the oxygen and fame water the sweet taste of death is more desired

So at least once read this book and I am sure you will carry this to your death bed because this is the strongest companion when you will meet your...........

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