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Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life
(Gene O'Kelly)

Diagnosed with a brain tumour, 53 year-old, O'Kelly chartshow he faced the arrival ofan early death and leaves us with an inspiring and thought provoking read which is relevant for each of us.

Easy-to-read and remarkably positive and lucid, O'Kelly maps out his transition from CEO and Chairman of KPMG, of one of the world's "Big Four" accountancy firms, to CEO of his own death. His book shares his deep gratitude for having the advanced warning, sufficient clarity of mind and enough physical strength to takefull advantage ofhis final 3 months of life.

He transitions out by immediately standing down as CEO of KPMG, detailing what he wants to achieve as he dies , "unwinding" and closing hundreds of personal and professional relationships -- where possible imparting a practical benefit or lasting memory in doing so, andfocusing as much as possible on what he has; namely, the present moment.

Understated in tone, and as methodical as one might expect from a highly successful accountant, O'Kelly admits that he was never a particularly reflective or deep thinker. It is this particularly straightforward manner and approach rather than his insights into how to live well, that make his book so impressive and unusual. He offers aplain and simple account of the hardest thing we all face, from one persons perspective. Most people never have the chance to record how they faced their own death or embrace the opportunity so positively.The moral to the story is obvious --we all have been forewarned that we will die and the more we do today to live our life according to our deepest values and priorities, the more we practice living in the now and attending to our relationships and the impact we have on others, the richer our life will be.

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