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All About Six Sigma: The Easiest Way To Get Started
(Warren Brussee)

The first thing that attracted my attention to this book was the sub-title ?The Easiest Way to Get Started?. I was indeed looking out for such a book that will lead me easy way through the esoteric world of the six sigma green and black belts. The second thing that attracted me was the author?s long experience as a six sigma practitioner with hands on experience with the top companies.

he book indeed led me very well into the six sigma world. I think the most beginners, like me, will find it very useful too. I actually glanced through a number of other six sigma books that aim at the beginners. I find most of them either too much like school text books or too complicated to start with. Fortunately, the author of this book sets out with an intent to simplify the concepts and tools. Simplifications!!

The book divides each concept and related tools into separate chapters. Each chapter starts with simple explanations of the underlying concepts and step by step guide on the use of tools, and ends with reviews. Adequate numbers of real life, easy to understand practical examples and case studies are thrown in. All required when you are a beginner or are looking torevisitthe basics. All related chapters are clubbed into parts, such as non-statistical six sigma tools, getting good data, basic probability and plotting, testing for statistical differences etc. For those interested in going beyond the book, say if you are looking for latest and more complicated application of tools and new developments, the book provides resources for further studies and references at the end.If I were to give a title to this book, I would call it ?Six Sigma Simplified for Starters?.

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