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Tell One More
(Preacher Josué Gonçalves)

The Importance of persons.Each day,at midday a old poor man,was going inside church, and after few minutes, later he was going out. One day the sexton, asked him what he was doing in that place(because there are rich ojects inside church). I come for to pray,said the old man.But is so weird,said the sexton, that you pray so fast.Well, talked back the old man:I dont know that long prayers.But every days, at midday i come inside the church and i just say:Hi, Jesus, i am "Zé", i come for to visit You!.Next minute i am going out.Is just a litlle pray , but i am sure that He listen me! After some days, the Zé suffered an accident and went to the hospital, and in enfermary, he becomes to have a very good influence above everybody:the most sad sick people become happy,so many laughs started to be listened,.Zé, a sister said to him one day,the others sick peoples, are telling that you always is so happy...Is that true sister, i am always happy.This is because, the person that always comes to visit me.Makes me so happy.The sister already perceived,the chair besides his bed, always was empty.The Zé was a solitare old man, without nobody.What visitant? what time?Every days,Zé answered with the shining eyes,every days at midday,He comes and stay besides my bed.When i look at him, He smiles and says:Hi, Zé, I am Jesus, i come here for you.This is one of several histories in that i found in Pr.Josue's Gonçalves book.This book comes to my home,by my step son Roberto Cassio Cordeiro, he works with degenerad young people..people that lives outside of society, but still hope. if each one of us, be able of to see the importance of each one, as in this history above, each one of us has importance extreme to God.Many times because we are sinners or because we dont have faith, we dont belive, we think that God doesn't care about us,or for another side ,because we are not important in our world, so materialist, where you are just how much you have!, we be sad, and limited, but no for God,each one of us, is the one,and He love us, in dspite of our faults,and limitations, just we need just to belive!

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