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(issac asimov)

Elements of Science Fiction in Section - I Science fiction is a rlatively wide concept taking into its confines the vast spans of time and space. Asimov in his science fiction 'foundation' employs various techniques such as 'psycho-histroy' which is not an actual science in existence but a narrativel fool inventice by himself. He uses it as a basic linking device. Psychohistroy is a science wherein mathematical tools are employed to determine the reactions of himan conglomerates to predict their future. and social and economic development . Also, the ue of Encyclopedia Galactica for the purpose of informing the reader about the future developments in the text making its a source of reference or meta-text or meta narrative , done by Asimov.For the writing of Science Fiction one needs to have some basic scientific knowledge andremain the confines of scientifically established rules which implies that one cannot by the medium of imagination go on flouting the scientific laws. Also, thereis a need to familiarize the reader with the text like Asimov does by using teh name Hari Seldon.Though the devices Asimov uses may seem to be technologically very advanced but they are very much possible. Hence , the employing of scientific elements in Section-I can be widely noticed.

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